Western Cape Communities Co-Existence Agreement
In 2001 eleven (11) Traditional Owner groups entered into an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) over the mining lease areas with Comalco, the then Bauxite Mine Operator, later to become Rio Tinto Weipa. Our agreement is called the Western Cape Communities Co-Existence Agreement (WCCCA). It was registered with the National Native Title Tribunal under the Native Title Act 1993 0n 24 August 2001.
Our eleven Traditional Owner Groups are: Alngith, Anathangayth, Ankamuthi, Peppan, Taepadhighi, Thanikwithi, Tjungundji, Warranggu, Wathayn, Wik and Wik-Waya and Yupungathi.
Our Agreement recognises traditional ownership and provides support for Rio Tinto activities in return for land use. It provides a range of benefits including employment, training, cultural heritage and site protection, cultural awareness, support for ranger programs and educational bursaries, relinquishment of land, and a royalty stream to charitable trusts for community benefit purposes. Our agreement sets out a number of obligations on all parties, particularly the Traditional Owner Groups and Rio Tinto.