Western Cape Communities Trust (WCCT)
The WCCT is a perpetual Trust and is currently the largest Aboriginal Trust of this type in Australia. It is completely Aboriginal owned and operated, and has over 800 Shareholders from the Western Cape York Region of Queensland. The Trust operates under a governance regime which meets the highest of corporate standards.
There are five linked Trusts: the WCCT (Main Trust), the Southern, Central and Northern Sub-Regional Trusts, and the Western Cape Communities Property Trust (Property Trust). This structure reflects Sub-Regional independence, determination and decision-making.
The primary role of the WCCT (the Main Trust) is to assume responsibility for the administration, investment, allocation and custody of funds sourced from Rio Tinto Weipa and the Queensland State Government under the WCCCA. Disbursements also occur through three Sub-Regional Trusts.
WCCT Board of Directors
The WCCT has a Board of Directors that consists of:
- 3 Directors from each Sub-Regional Trust
- 1 Director from each of the four Aboriginal Shire Councils, i.e. Aurukun, Mapoon, NPARC (New Mapoon elected representative only) and Napranum
- 1 Independent Director
- 1 invitee from each of the following: Rio Tinto Weipa and the Queensland State Government.
The Board has a Chairperson and a Secretary.
The WCCT Vision
As members of the WCCT and its three Sub-Regional Trusts, we recognise, honour and respect our past, and in unity we seek sustainable advancement and development for the future of our communities.
WCCT Board of Directors 2024-2026
- Loyla Chevathen, Amanda Woolla, Kathy Owokran, Richard Ornyengaia and Andrea Ngakyunkwokka representing our Southern Sub-Regional Trust.
- Marie Pitt (Chairperson), Ernest Madua Snr, Maurice Woodley, Lorraine Coconut and Anna Motton representing Central Sub-Regional Trust.
- Delora Nixon, Constance Port, Michelle Kostecki, Geraldine York, Geraldine Mamoose, Clara Day, Leon Bond, Charles Woosup, Patricia Mark and Teresa Gibson representing Northern Sub-Regional Trust.
- Mayor Barbara Bandicootcha, Mayor Roy Chevathen, Deputy Mayor Justina Reid and Cr Marlene Bond representing Aurukun, Mapoon, NPARC (New Mapoon elected representative) and Napranum, respectively.
- Invited guests from Rio Tinto Weipa and the Queensland State Government are Steven Dunstone (General Manager) and Allen Cuneen respectively.
Directors are elected for a 4 year term. The current term expires around October 2024.
Western Cape Communities Property Trust
The Western Cape Communities Property Trust is an investment arm under the WCCT. Its function is to quarantine real estate and property investments under a discrete entity. The Western Cape Communities Property trust is governed by a Board of Directors.
The Western Cape Centre Ltd is a company limited by guarantee of the Main Trust and manages properties on behalf of the Property Trust, including the Western Cape Centre Ltd. The Western Cape Centre Ltd provides accommodation, training and conference facilities in Weipa.
Contact Details
T: 07 4069 7945 | F: 07 4069 9947 | E: offmgr@westerncape.com.au