United We are Passionate For Our Country

“To manage the WCCT and the WCCCC in a manner that will achieve the best possible social, cultural, environmental and economic outcomes for the communities of the Western Cape Region. To empower our Indigenous Directors and Members of the WCCT and the WCCCC by providing education, experience and knowledge to improve ability and performance in carrying out their corporate responsibilities whilst remaining true to their cultural identities.” – Joint Mission Statement

Traditional Owner Groups

The 11 Traditional Owner Groups of the WCCCA are: Alngith, Anathanangayth, Ankamuthi, Peppan, Taepadhighi, Thanikwithi, Tjungundji, Warranggu, Wathayn, Wik and Wik-Waya and Yupungathi.

The Agreement recognises traditional ownership and provides community with a range of benefits, including but not limited to: employment, training, cultural heritage and site protection, cultural awareness, support for ranger programs and educational bursaries, relinquishment of land, and a royalty stream to charitable trusts for community benefit purposes.

© Western Cape Communities Trust 2024

Website created by RJ New Designs